

Strengthening the training skills of trainers is one of the National Institute of Justice priorities, raising the professionalism of the NIJ beneficiaries being directly proportional to the quality of training and training skills of the NIJ trainers. That is why the first professional development activity of this year organized by the National Institute of Justice in partnership with the Council of Europe (CoE) included a winter school in the field of adult training methodology. The event, addressed to a group of trainers, took place in January 11-12, 2023.



On Friday, December 16, 2022, the National Institute of Justice was visited by the officials of the Embassy of Sweden in the Republic of Moldova – Thomas Alveteg, deputy head of the Development Cooperation Section, and Virginia Bilici, program coordinator, as well as by representatives of EcoContact – Tatiana Echim, project manager, and Tatiana Gumene, communication expert. On behalf of the National Institute of Justice, the meeting was attended by Ecaterina Popa, ad interim Director, Cezara-Elena Polisca, head of the Didactics, Methodological and Training of Trainers Section and Olga Marandici, head of the International Relations Section.


On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the National Institute of Justice was visited by the delegation of the Department for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights – Clare Ovey, Head of Department, Pavlo Pushkar, Head of Directorate III, Tatiana Cojocaru, Head of Section III who monitors cases against the Republic of Moldova.


The project “Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the National Institute of Magistracy (NIM) of Romania and the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, has reached the final phase. On December 12 and 13, 2022, the last training activities of the Project’ component III took place, and these involved inviting of Romanian trainers as experts to the trainings for the NIJ beneficiaries.