

Understanding the functioning of the Superior Council of Prosecutors was the purpose of the visit of the National Institute of Justice trainees to the self-administration entity of prosecutors. The information action took place on Thursday, February 16, 2023.


The National Institute of Justice and the School of Fine Arts „Alexei Şciusev” have started the fourth edition of the national contest of fine arts „My home is your home too: Together in safety”, in which children and young people aged between 11 to 21 years old are invited to participate. During the competition, several action are envisaged to guide the competitors in the creative process.


On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, was launched the Council of Europe project „Strengthening human rights of refugees and migrants in Republic of Moldova”, followed by the first meeting of the Project Steering Committee. The National Institute of Justice, as a partner and direct beneficiary of the new project, was represented by Ecaterina Popa, ad interim Director, and Cezara Elena-Polisca, advisor to the Director, head of the training of trainers and didactic-methodological Section.


The National Institute of Justice and the School of Fine Arts “Alexei Şciusev” announce the fourth edition of the national contest of fine arts “My home is your home: together in safety”, intended for youngers aged between 11 to 21 years old, from general schools, gymnasiums, high schools, arts schools, centers of excellence and colleges of arts from all over the country.


The National Institute of Justice was visited, on January, 30, 2023, by the human rights adviser for the United Nations country team, the head of the UN Office for Human Rights in Moldova (OHCHR), Bea Ferenci, and the national human rights officer, Dumitru Roman. The representatives held discussions with Ecaterina Popa, ad interim Director of NIJ, Cezara-Elena Polisca, adviser to the Director of NIJ, head of the Didactics, Methodological and Training of Trainers Unit, and Tatiana Ciaglic, head of the Legal Information Center of NIJ.