

Aspects related to the functioning of the National Institute of Justice were discussed during the visit to the National Institute of Justice of representatives of the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) – Willem van Nieuwkerk, Director, and Fleur van Lit, project manager, today, March 2, 2023. The officials met with Ecaterina Popa, NIJ ad interim director in order to identify potential collaboration tangents aimed at strengthening the capacities of the representatives of the justice system.


In order to achieve several objectives related to the organization of professional training activities in the areas of common interest, the National Institute of Justice and the State inspectorate for supervision of non-food products and consumer protection concluded a Memorandum of understanding.


The National Institute of Justice was visited today, February 28, 2023, by the representative of the UN Refugee Agency in the Republic of Moldova (UNHCR), Francesca Bonelli, and the chief protection officer, Andrew Painter. The delegation had a meeting with the ad interim director of the National Institute of Justice, Ecaterina Popa.


On Monday, February 27, 2023, at the National Institute of Justice took place the seminar entitled „Legal reasoning in the initial training of prosecutors and judges”. The activity aimed at the complex analysis and evaluation of the new course „Developing skills for elaborating procedural acts” which intends to strengthen the capacities for legal drafting of candidates to the positions of judge and prosecutor in the mock trials.


Organizing seminars and workshops, developing an e-course, updating the curriculum and support materials in the field of efficient administration of courts is among the actions carried out by the National Institute of Justice in partnership with the Council of Europe project „Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova”. About these activities and their impact on the professional training of the NIJ beneficiaries, Ecaterina Popa, NIJ ad interim director, spoke at the final meeting of the project coordination group.