

Today, April 26, 2023, at the National Institute of Justice was marked the graduation ceremony of a new promotion of future judges and prosecutors. The 15 candidates to the position of judge and 20 candidates to the position of prosecutor, wearing black and blue robes, received the graduation certificates of the National Institute of Justice, after 18 months of studies. The solemn ceremony attended by representatives of the law system, representatives of the diplomatic corps from the Romania Embassy and the US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, trainers and NIJ employees, began with the honoring of the state anthem.


More and more legal professionals are becoming aware of the needs and challenges faced by child victims and witnesses of crimes. However, it is imperative that effective measures are applied to ensure that procedures are carried out in an adaptable and sensitive manner to the needs of children. In this regard, the National Institute of Justice, in cooperation with the National Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse (CNPAC) and the Ministry of Justice, launched on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, the online training programs "Child-friendly justice for victims/witnesses of crime - multidisciplinary response to violence against children" and "Training program for interviewers in the field of interviewing child victims/witnesses".


On Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, the first videoconference meeting of the technical committee of the regional project of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Women's Access to Justice: Implementation of the Council of Europe Standards on Gender Equality and Violence against Women" took place. The new project will continue and develop the results of the previous project "Women's Access to Justice: Implementation of the Istanbul Convention and other European standards on gender equality", which was part of the Partnership for Good Governance, Phase II.


In order to familiarize young students with the activity, role, and place of the National Institute of Justice in the justice system of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to encourage them to participate in the admission competition for initial training courses to become judges and prosecutors and to feel the pulse of a court process, the National Institute of Justice opened its doors to its potential audience.


In order to acquire good practices regarding the Georgian mechanism for monitoring femicide and the model for implementing the Istanbul Convention at the national legislation level, several representatives of key institutions in the Republic of Moldova carried out a study visit to Tbilisi, from April 4th to 6th, 2023. The National Institute of Justice was represented by Olga Marandici, the Head of the International Relations Section.