

For the first time, today, November 29, 2019, at the National Institute of Justice, was held the practical lesson "The use of informational technologies and electronic file management" in which participated students of the third year, the specialty "Jurisprudence", the qualification "Clerk", from "Alexei Mateevici" College in Chisinau.


The trainees of the National Institute of Justice - Domnița Vizdoga, candidate to the position of judge, and Gheorghe Schiopu, candidate to the position of prosecutor, - benefited from the AIAKOS Program, addressed to the future and newly appointed judges and prosecutors in order to exchange experience and to get acquainted with the various European judicial systems.


An exchange of views on the institutional practices of conducting the training process of the magistrates from both the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, took place on Friday, November 22, 2019, at the Superior Council of Prosecutors.


On Thursday, November 21, 2019, the candidates to the positions of judge and prosecutor of the National Institute of Justice attended the public lesson offered by the delegation of the High School of Justice of Georgia (HSJ).


In order to establish long-term bilateral relations and streamline the judicial training process, on Wednesday, November 21, 2019, the Director of the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, Diana Scobioala, and the Director of the High School of Justice of Georgia, Vano Bolkvadze, signed a Collaboration Agreement between the institutions they are leading.