

The trainees of the National Institute of Justice, candidates to the positions of prosecutor, have participated in the public lesson "Prosecutors' self-administration: vision, standards, priorities", held by the representatives of the Superior Council of Prosecutors - Angela Motuzoc, President, and Inga Furtuna, member.


Today, February 17, 2021, took place, in an online format, the closing conference of the Council of Europe program „Promoting a human rights compliant criminal justice system in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the Government of Norway and part of the Action Plan of the Council of Europe for the Republic of Moldova, 2017-2020.


The Director of the National Institute of Justice, Diana Scobioala, met on Friday, February 12, 2021, with the French Liaison Magistrate in the Republic of Moldova and Romania, Pierre de Monte, accompanied by the assistant Ioana Chiurlea.


The National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, in collaboration with the School of Fine Arts for Children "Alexei Sciusev" in Chisinau, announces the second edition of the Republican Fine Arts Contest entitled "Children's Rights" for students in general schools, high schools, gymnasiums, art schools and art studios.


On Thursday, February 4, 2021, the Director of the National Institute of Justice participated in online discussions on the analytical note "Judicial integrity as key issue of the Moldovan justice system reform", developed by Victoria Sanduta, judge, President of the Association of Judges „Vocea Justiției” (the voice of Justice), in collaboration with the Foundation Friedrich Ebert Moldova.