

"Human rights, the state of emergency and the rule of law" was the motto of the 6th edition of the paper contest organised by the National Institute of Justice for the 13th promotion of trainees. The developed reports were presented online on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, by the candidates to the position of judge, and on Saturday, June 13, 2020, by the candidates to the position of prosecutor.


On Thursday, 4 June 2020, the National Institute of Justice, in partnership with the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals of the Council of Europe (the HELP Programme), launched a new e-learning course entitled "Family Law and Human Rights". To this training activity have applied 48 applicants, including judges, prosecutors, representatives of the People's Advocate Office and the Government Agent Department of the Ministry of Justice.


The application of professional knowledge through simulation activities continues online. In front of the monitors, the trainees of the National Institute of Justice have the opportunity to demonstrate the necessary skills in an improvised trial at the European Court of Human Rights.


The management of the National Institute of Justice operates in accordance with the principles of the Quality Management System (QMS). The external surveillance audit, which took place in May 2020 and aimed to assess how the QMS continues to meet the requirements, maintained the certification of compliance with the international standards SM SR EN ISO 9001:2016 / ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21001:2018.


The National Institute of Justice continues to provide professional training courses online. On Thursday, May 14, 2020, were held simultaneously four continuous training activities, attended by judges, prosecutors, legal assistants, and clerks.