

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the Ministry of Justice took place the workshop „Status of the interviewer in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and perspectives” which included an event of totalization of the interviewers training Program in the field of hearing the child victim/witness of the crime. The 12 beneficiaries of the training sessions from all over the country, including from the Transnistrian region, were handed certificates attesting the completion of the course.


At the National Institute of Justice, the second stage of the admission exam for the initial training course for the candidates to the position of judges and prosecutors has started.


Vineri, 27 septembrie, 2024, Consiliul Institutului Național al Justiției s-a întrunit în ședință pentru a examina mai multe subiecte incluse în ordinea de zi, printre care admisibilitatea dosarului depus pentru suplinirea funcției vacante de director INJ.


On the afternoon of Thursday, September 26, 2024, a working meeting was held at the National Institute of Justice, attended by Adrian Cerbu, Ad interim Director, Ecaterina Popa, Head of the Training and Research Department, and Ion Popa, vice president of the Council of Authorized Administrators Union of Moldova. The dialogue focused on identifying solutions for providing initial training to authorized administrators in probation.


On Thursday, September 26, 2024, a meeting between the Ad interim Director of the National Institute of Justice, Adrian Cerbu, and the representatives of the Justice Reform and Anti-Corruption Project funded by USAID (JARA): Anne Trice, Director and Radu Foltea, Deputy Director took place.