

The in-service training course "Application of the International Framework of Judicial Excellence (CIEJ)" took place on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, for Edinet Court judges and staff.


During the 20-24 June 2022, candidates to the position of judge, trainees of the XIV and XV promotions from the National Institute of Justice, Olga Marandici, Ana Schibin, Alisa Stratila and Ion Vartolomei were on a study visit to the French Republic.


The purpose of meeting of the delegation from US Department of Commerce (Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP)) and the State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI) with the representatives of the National Institute of Justice was to identify the priority areas that will contribute to the multilateral development of the Republic of Moldova, including the perspective of implementing activities in the field of intellectual property protection with a focus on the role of courts in this process. The event took place Wednesday, 22 June 2022, at the National Institute of Justice.


A group of trainers from the National Institute of Justice participated in the mentoring program for legal professionals on women's access to justice. The course took place during the period 21-23 June 2022, in Budapest, Hungary, and brought together representatives of the national law system from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova.


During 21-23 June 2022, the representatives of the Basel Institute on Governance (IBG) in Switzerland were on a working visit to the Republic of Moldova, in order to establish contacts with potential beneficiaries and outline concrete actions to be carried out on the basis of a Consultation Agreement, recently signed with the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Moldova.