Meeting between the Ad Interim Director of the NIJ and the Rector of the SUM

28. 05. 2024

On Monday, May 27, 2024, at the State University of Moldova (SUM) took place the bilateral meeting between the Ad interim Director of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Adrian Cerbu, and the Rector of the SUM, Igor Sarov.

The dialogue was focused on initiating cooperation between the two institutions in order to excel in the training segment of both, SUM students and NIJ beneficiaries. Thus, there were discussed issues regarding the possibility of concluding a memorandum to ensure the implementation of some initiatives and the organization of training activities for representatives in the field of law.

Also, in the context of increasing in recent years the number of candidates to the positions of judge and prosecutor, as well as the beneficiaries of the National Institute of Justice, was discussed the opportunity of outsourcing the process of continuous training of NIJ beneficiaries with the support of development partners. The joint use of modern study rooms, technically equipped in accordance with current needs, will help to improve the training process in both institutions.

In the end, the parties committed to materialize the collaboration and to develop an optimal training framework for training of young lawyers and improving professionals in the law sector.