INM trainers offer expertise in the field of judgecraft – the art of becoming a judge

14. 12. 2022

The project “Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the National Institute of Magistracy (NIM) of Romania and the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, has reached the final phase. On December 12 and 13, 2022, the last training activities of the Project’ component III took place, and these involved inviting of Romanian trainers as experts to the trainings for the NIJ beneficiaries.

In this regard, on Monday and Tuesday, at the headquarters of the National Institute of Justice, two trainings entitled “Judgecraft – the art of becoming a judge” were held. Being present at the opening session, Ecaterina Popa, NIJ ad interim director, reiterated her gratitude and appreciation for all the support offered by the National Institute of Magistracy and the International Development Cooperation Agency throughout the entire project, ensuring the openness of the NIJ for further activities that have a major impact for the beneficiaries of the Institute.

The training sessions were delivered by NIM trainers – Roxana Rizoiu and Cristian Daniel Oana, judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice and had as a target groups the young judges from the resource group and the NIJ trainees who are currently involved in internship in courts and prosecutors. The training program included general communication aspects and communication styles, notions of resilience and prejudice, logic exercises and legal interpretation, etc.

The project ”Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova”, is implemented by the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania and National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the Agency for International Development Cooperation (RoAid), under the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to the support provided for the judicial system reform. The cooperation directions of the project concern the involvement of trainers, judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova in professional development activities organized by the NIM, study visits to institutions within the Romanian judicial system, as well as the invitation as experts of NIM trainers to trainings for Moldovan magistrates.