

Institutul National al Justiției și Școala de arte plastice „Alexei Șciusev” anunță ediția a III-a a concursului republican de arte plastice „Generația Egalității”, destinat elevilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11 și 17 ani din şcolile generale, licee, gimnazii, scolile de arte și studiouri de arte din toată țara.


Promoting a tolerance culture to combat racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, hate speech and other forms of intolerance, the Holocaust, distorting realities, knowing and assuming the past, including tragic periods and emphasizing the way of not repeating them, are among the topics covered in the event organized on Thursday, January 27, 2022, by the National Institute of Justice during Holocaust Remembrance Week.


The trainees of both promotions currently studying at the National Institute of Justice, future judges and prosecutors, participated on Friday, January 21, 2022, in the public lesson "Jurisdiction in criminal matters in Germany", held in online format by Dr. Mayeul Hiéramente, lawyer in criminal matters (Hamburg).


On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at the National Institute of Justice, the formal submission of the necessary equipment for technological upgrade took place. The equipment was procured within the project “Support for justice sector reform in Moldova - Reinforcing the National Capacities to Provide Efficient Skills-Based Training for Legal Professionals”, implemented by the United Nations Development Program with the financial assistance of the US Government.


Judges, prosecutors, heads of secretariats, legal assistants, as well as law students / masters of the State University of Moldova and the University of European Studies of Moldova participated on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, in the launch of a new round of training in the distance course “Access to justice for women”, developed by the team of the Council of Europe's European Program for the Training of Lawyers in Human Rights (HELP Program).