The trainers of the National Institute of Justice have participated, on 6 and 7 February, to the Training of Trainers course dedicated to the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP Programme). The event was also attended by lawyers, representatives of the Office of the People’s Advocate and of the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality, representatives of the academia and of the NGOs.
The course was opened with the greeting messages from the part of Diana Scobioala, Director of the National Institute of Justice, and Margarita Galstyan, Project manager.
The purpose of the training program was to familiarize the future tutors with the HELP methodology - an instrument that is helpful in the process of elaboration, adapting and implementation of the e-learning courses, according to the adult training principles, but also to develop the participants’ abilities of using the HELP platform.
The training sessions were delivered by Ana Medarska-Lazova, HELP Project coordinator Human Rights National Implementation Division, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe, Ana-Maria Telbis, HELP Project Officer, Council of Europe, Alexandra Nica, Head of the Training and Research Division, NIJ, national HELP tutor for the courses implemented in partnership with the National Institute of Justice, and Vadim Vieru, national HELP tutor for the courses implemented in partnership with the Moldovan Bar Association.
The event was organized in the frame of the project “Support to criminal justice reforms in the Republic of Moldova” and financed by the Government of Denmark.