Study visit of the NIJ trainees at the Penitentiary no. 9 - Pruncul

19. 05. 2022

During the period 17-18 May 2022, the trainees of the National Institute of Justice, candidates for judges and prosecutors, accompanied by Anatolie Munteanu, NIJ trainer, and Nicoleta Nicolaev, main specialist of the Initial Training Section, visited the Penitentiary no. 9 of closed type for the detention of adult male convicts from Pruncul district, Chisinau.

The purpose of this visit was to inform future judges and prosecutors the operating mode of an institution in which persons deprived of their liberty are serving their sentences. The head of the Penitentiary, Eduard Timofei, spoke to the trainees about the penitentiary legislation and management, about the conditions of detention and problems related to the overcrowding of the penitentiaries, medical assistance and educational activities carried out with detainees.

The trainees also learned about the program implemented with the support of AO Positive Initiative - Catharsis Therapeutic Community, which helps people addicted to psychoactive substances in the penitentiary and aims to reduce recidivism, change behavior and vision and reintegrate into the society of former drug addicts, through group meetings, individual counseling, work therapy, self-knowledge and self-development activities.

The visit took place during the initial training course "Enforcement of judgments in criminal matters".