Public lesson “Jurisdiction in criminal matters in Germany”

24. 01. 2022

The trainees of both promotions currently studying at the National Institute of Justice, future judges and prosecutors, participated on Friday, January 21, 2022, in the public lesson "Jurisdiction in criminal matters in Germany", held in online format by Dr. Mayeul Hiéramente, lawyer in criminal matters (Hamburg).

The event, moderated by Radu Foltea, Anti-Corruption and Integrity Adviser, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), aimed to familiarize with the German criminal justice system in order to facilitate a subsequent exchange of information, good practices and expertise.

During the public lesson, trainees were familiarised with the specific conditions for accepting and practicing the profession of lawyer, the role of the lawyer and the lawyer in criminal matters, as an agent of justice system and his activity in the different phases of the criminal process. In this context, were also discussed about the relationship between the lawyer and the client, as well as about the legal limits of the defense.

The activity was organized as part of the project “Strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova", with the financial support of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, implemented by GIZ.