The NIJ Director attended the "Centenary of the Great Union - a history of modern justice, from the National Unity to the European Diversity" conference in Alba Iulia

16. 11. 2018

On November 16, 2018, the NIJ Director, Diana Scobioala, attended the Conference entitled "The Centenary of the Great Union - a history of modern justice, from National Unity to European Diversity", which took place at the National Union Museum in Alba Iulia, Romania.

The event, organized by the Superior Council of Magistracy of Romania, brought together representatives of the judiciary, academia, as well as outstanding personalities of Romanian culture.

The Conference, divided into four sessions (Session I: The Centenary of the Great Union - a century of unity, Session II: A modern and independent justice, Third Session: Magistracy - profession and vocation, Session IV: The role of legal professions, from the National Unity to European diversity), also included book launches and representative periodicals of legislative, legal and cultural-scientific unification in the field of law.

At the conference, the Director of the National Institute of Justice, Diana Scobioala, has presented the collection of articles, published by the Universul Juridic Publishing House in Bucharest, entitled "The unification of legislation and functioning of the judicial system after the Great Union of 1918". The 13 articles included in the volume, are reports made by the trainees of the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova and the trainees of the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania within the contest "Integration of legal institutions after the Union of 1918 in the interwar period", held in Chisinau, between 28 and 29 June 2018.

In her speech, Diana Scobioala has mentioned that the appearance of the collection of articles is part of the series of bilateral actions Bucharest-Chisinau, organized in the Centenary year, which could stimulate the specialized researches and cause debates. At the same time, the volume is a proof of dynamic cooperation established between the judicial training institutions on both sides of the Prut River and reconfirms the importance of ensuring continuity of collaboration for increasing the quality standards of training the beneficiaries of the National Institute of Magistracy and the National Institute of Justice.