"How Judges Think": NIJ has released the Romanian translation of the American Judge Richard A. Posner book

11. 03. 2022

The Romanian version of the American Judge Richard A. Posner book "How Judges Think" was launched on Friday, 11 March 2022, by the National Institute of Justice within the project “Support to Justice Sector Reform in Moldova – Reinforcing the National Capacities to Provide Efficient Skills-Based Training for Legal Professionals”, implemented by the UNDP with the financial support of the US Government.

In her opening remarks, Ecaterina Popa, Ad Interim Director of the National Institute of Justice, expressed her gratitude towards development partners for their full involvement and support, including the publication of this book, which is an additional resource for integrating a legal reasoning module into the NIJ training program, and accordingly, in cultivating the skills of critical thinking, legal writing and reasoning.

Among the speakers at the launching event were representatives of the legal system, academia and partner institutions: Diana Sârcu, Doctor habilitatus in law, judge at the ECtHR, former Director of NIJ; Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice; Brett Rose, Director, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Section, US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova; Andrea Cuzyova, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Moldova; Valentin Roșca, project manager, UNDP Moldova; Liliana Catan, Judge, Supreme Court of Justice; Igor Dolea, Doctor habilitatus in law, professor, State University of Moldova, Doina Dumbrăveanu-Munteanu, translator of the volume, etc.

The book "How Judges Think" includes reflections on trials, how laws are interpreted, judicial ethics, how a judge thinks and makes decisions. The 2500 copies of the Romanian version will be distributed to judges and courts, universities and libraries of the country, NIJ students and trainers, as well as other professionals, national institutions and organisations in the justice sector.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the National Institute of Justice and the Department of Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Section of the US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, the NIJ obtained the exclusive rights to translate into Romanian, publish and distribute the volume of the American Judge Richard A. Posner "How Judges Think", provided by Harvard University Press.

The project "Support to Justice Sector Reform in Moldova – Reinforcing the National Capacities to Provide Efficient Skills-Based Training for Legal Professionals", whose primary beneficiary is the National Institute of Justice, started in October 2020 and aims to strengthen the capacities of national structures to provide effective, skills-based training to legal professionals.