The first meeting of the NIJ Partners Committee was held

30. 04. 2024

At The National Institute of Justice was held the first meeting of the NIJ Partners Committee. The event took place on April 29, 2024 and brought together representatives of partner institutions, civil society and project implementers, who, through the assistance provided, support the transformations within the Institute.

In the opening, the NIJ Director, Adrian Cerbu, mentioned the following: „This meeting marks an important moment in our joint efforts to contribute to the modernization of judicial training processes. The National Institute of Justice is an essential link in completing the reforms undertaken by our country, namely, in the delivering to the system candidates to the positions of judge and prosecutor trained according to community standards, professionalism, integrity and flawless conduct”.

At the meeting were highlighted the achievements and challenges faced by the NIJ at the current stage, mainly on the segment of initial training, continuous training, training of trainers and e-learning. The importance of strengthening the capacities of the Legal Information Centre within the NIJ, as well as of strengthening partnerships in order to carry out the justice reform, was also underlined. Thus, several needs were pointed out to improve judicial training processes, including: adaptation of didactic materials to EU law; the development of course supports, as intellectual property of NIJ, including legal writing and argumentation; facilitating the participation of NIJ beneficiaries in the sessions offered by the AIAKOS and EJTN program; re-conceptualizing the methodology for assessing the satisfaction and impact of the trainings on the NIJ beneficiaries career; ensuring cyber security of resources and workstations, implementing e-capsule training, etc.

In turn, the partners expressed their openness to provide support according to their activity competence and needs presented during the meeting, emphasizing that the active involvement of all stall interested parties is essential for the achievement of justice reform progress. At the same time, they reiterated the fact that, by continuing the collaboration, it will be possible to overcome obstacles and achieve common goals in an efficient and sustainable way.

The meeting of the NIJ Partners Committee was organized by the National Institute of Justice with the logistic support of the Justice Reform and Anti-corruption Project (JARA), through the US Agency for International Development (USAID).