Discussions regarding cooperation on e-learning with representatives of the Basel Institute for Governance

29. 01. 2025

The National Institute of Justice team, led by its ad interim Director Ecaterina Popa, participated today, January 29, 2025, in an online meeting with representatives of the Basel Institute for Governance from Switzerland in order to expand cooperation on the segment of e-Learning.

During the meeting, Peter Huppertz, head of IT and e-Learning at the Basel Institute, and Thierry Ravalomanda, head of the training Department at the International Center for Asset Recovery (ICAR), shared their experience in using modern online training methods and presented the digital solutions adopted in educational activities. At the same time, opportunities for collaboration were highlighted in terms of both implementing e-learning methodologies and taking over new e-courses developed by the Basel Institute, as well as strengthening NIJ's capacities in creating their own e-courses. In this respect, the usefulness of a mentoring program for the development of e-learning and modern learning tools such as e-capsules was discussed, as well as the assistance provided by ICAR in the training of national trainers.

It should be noted that the partnership between the two institutions has already materialized through the integration of two e-courses - "International legal cooperation and legal assistance in criminal matters" and "Financial analysis using Excel" - developed by the Basel Institute within the GIZ project "Strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova". The courses have been launched in November 2024 on the ILIAS platform of the National Institute of Justice and are addressed to prosecutors, judges, prosecutorial consultants and judicial assistants interested in financial investigations.