Delegation of the Department for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, visiting the NIJ

14. 12. 2022

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the National Institute of Justice was visited by the delegation of the Department for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights – Clare Ovey, Head of Department, Pavlo Pushkar, Head of Directorate III, Tatiana Cojocaru, Head of Section III who monitors cases against the Republic of Moldova.

The discussions were held with Ecaterina Popa, NIJ ad interim director, Cezara-Elena Polisca, Director’s advisor, Head of the teaching-methodology and Training of Trainers Section, Oleg Rotari, NIJ trainer, ex-governmental agent at ECtHR, and Ion Bocan, NIJ trainer.

During the meeting, were approached subjects regarding the training process on the four dimensions: initial training, continuous training, training of trainers and e-learning, which concern topics on preventive detention, legal reasoning of judicial decisions, the principle of legal certainty, application of the European Convention on Human Rights, etc.

In particular, Ecaterina Popa referred to the training activities in the field of the European Court of Human Rights system within the module “Human Rights” addressed to practitioners, drafting procedural acts and reasoning decisions both as an integral part of the mock trials in which NIJ trainees are involved, as well as a separate discipline for them, adjustment to the national legislation of HELP courses on the target segment and piloting at national level the e-course “Judicial reasoning and Human Rights”, etc.

The parties stressed the importance of quality training for the young generation of judges and prosecutors and those in service in the context of the objective of reducing, in the near future, the rate of appeals to the European Court.

We would like to mention that, between December 12-14, 2022, the representatives of the Department for the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are on a working visit to the Republic of Moldova, aiming to establish contacts with the authorities relevant to the execution of ECtHR decisions and to identify new developments for the priority directions of action determined by the main categories of decisions.