The beneficiaries of the III-th edition of the interviewers training Program in the field of hearing the child victim/witness of offence received their promotion certificates

02. 10. 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the Ministry of Justice took place the workshop „Status of the interviewer in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and perspectives” which included an event of totalization of the interviewers training Program in the field of hearing the child victim/witness of the crime. The 12 beneficiaries of the training sessions from all over the country, including from the Transnistrian region, were handed certificates attesting the completion of the course.

In the opening, spoke the Minister of Justice Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, Ad Interim Director of the National Institute of Justice, Adrian Cerbu, Deputy UNICEF representative in the Republic of Moldova, Ilija Talev and the president of the National Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Daniela Simboteanu.

In his speech, the Ad interim Director of the National Institute of Justice, Adrian Cerbu, mentioned the importance of training a new interviewer promotion, as well as preparing the judiciary to provide an adequate, sensitive and adapted response to the needs of children going through traumatic experiences. „As an institution which aim is to deliver quality training, we were honored to be partners in the implementation of the designed course to develop necessary skills for hearing minors in accordance with the legal provisions and to ensure the protection and respect of children's rights during the hearing process”, pointed out the Ad interim Director of the NIJ.

At the third edition, the training program was organized between March and August 2024, being developed in partnership by the National Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, National Institute of Justice, Ministry of Justice, UNICEF and World Childhood Foundation.

During the event, a panel of discussions took place between the representatives of the various relevant institutions on the challenges and perspectives of the interviewer's status in the Republic of Moldova.

The activity was part of the project „Better services for children in contact with the justice system, parents and teenagers”, implemented by NCPCA and UNICEF with the financial support of the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic through the German Development Bank.