The 8th edition of the report competition for candidates for the positions of judge and prosecutor took place at the NIJ

21. 06. 2022

Every year, the National Institute of Justice organizes the report competition for future judges and prosecutors, which aims to study in depth a certain problematic segment at the current stage and develop resolution skills in accordance with national law and international commitments assumed by the Republic of Moldova.

This year's edition included 11 topics in the field "Humanitarian crisis as a result of the armed conflict in Ukraine", and the NIJ attendees of the 15th class presented their papers on Monday, June 20, 2022, at the Institute premises. The competitors’ reports focused on the forms and types of international protections; the concept of asylum according to contemporary international law; the role of international organizations in the protection of asylum seekers and undocumented migrants; assessing credibility in the asylum procedure; the importance of the Country of Origin  Information (BTI) in the framework of proceedings on determining the refugee status; regional refugee protection mechanisms; observance of the right to free movement of children during armed conflict, etc.

The most appreciated reports were awarded, as follows: for the candidates for the position of judge, 1st place - Tatiana Brumă, Ana Tipa, 2nd place - Dumitru Taracilă, Artiom Tataru, 3rd place - Anatol Pleşca; for candidates for the position of prosecutor, 1st place - Nina Furdui, 2nd place - Natalia Cretu, 3rd place - Serghei Perju, Ion Tulbure.

In the reports’ evaluation process, the jury (composed of Marcel Moraru, Head of the Cabinet of the Minister of Justice, Angela Motuzoc, President of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, Victor Micu, member of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Oleg Palii, Executive Director of the Law Center of Bar Association, Natalia Poștaru, UNHCR Moldova program officer, and Oleg Rotari, NIJ trainer) was guided by the originality of the presentation, the issues reflected in the report, the coherent argumentation, the correct use of definitions and the appropriate legal language.