Representatives of the legal system of the Republic of Moldova, visiting the law institutions of Romania

29. 11. 2022

The National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova and the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania continue the implementation of the project “Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova”. The third study visit of the representatives of the national law system was organized and took place in Bucharest, Romania, November 23-25, 2022.

Delegation of the National Institute of Justice, made up of Vladimir Timofti, judge at the Supreme Court of Justice, Dorin Dulghieru, judge at the Court of Appeal of Chisinau, member of the NIJ Council, Oxana Robu, judge at the Court of Appeal of Chisinau, Armen Oganesean, prosecutor, NIJ trainer and Olga Marandici, the head of the NIJ International Relations Section had the opportunity to exchange experience and good practices with representatives of the relevant institutions within the Romanian judicial system.

Thus, during three days, NIJ representatives visited the National Institute of Magistracy, the Superior Council of Magistracy, the Bucharest Court of Appeal, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Bucharest Court of Appeal and the National Anticorruption Directorate. At the meetings were discussed aspects related to initial training, continuous training and training of trainers, the focus being on the process of admission and graduation of the NIM auditors, including their immediate employment after graduation, on the procedure of needs assessment for continuous training and the developing of the Activity Plan for magistrates, on the procedure for selecting and evaluating NIM trainers, etc. Also, the NIJ delegates attended the court hearings at the Bucharest Tribunal, became familiar with the way the victim was prepared for hearings and with the steps to be taken to obtain truthful and pertinent statements.

The project „Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova”, is implemented by the National Institute of Magistracy and National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the Agency for International Development Cooperation (RoAid), under the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The cooperation directions of the project concern the involvement of trainers, judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova in professional development activities organized by the NIM, study visits to institutions within the Romanian judicial system, as well as the invitation as experts of NIM trainers to trainings for Moldovan magistrates.