Study visit of the NIJ delegates to the relevant institutions in Romania

27. 10. 2022

On October 24-26, 2022, the second study visit of the delegates of the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova to Bucharest, Romania, took place within the project "Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova".

The study visit aimed to share good practices and exchange experience through several meetings with representatives of training institutions, courts and prosecutor's offices. Thus, the group consists of Adrian Cerbu, member of the NIJ Council, judge, Viorel Ciobanu, NIJ trainer, prosecutor, Iulia Gorbatenco, head of the Initial Training Section, NIJ, Ion Bocan, NIJ trainer, and Vera Ursu, NIJ graduate, candidate for the position of judge, went to the National Institute of Magistracy, the National School of Clerks, the Bucharest Tribunal and the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Bucharest Tribunal.

During the meetings, were discussed aspects related to the initial professional training, in particular about the way of establishing the curriculum for the ECHR discipline and the training methods used within this discipline, the expertise of the Bucharest Tribunal in the field of decentralized continuous professional development, the implementation of the electronic file and the applications developed to facilitate the communication with the litigants, including the way of conducting the meetings  of trial in non-criminal matters by videoconferences, etc. Also, together with the justice auditors of the NIM, the NIJ representatives had the opportunity to attend an initial training seminar dedicated to human rights.

The project „Strengthening the justice system by organizing expertise transfer missions addressed to judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by the National Institute of Magistracy due to the support of the Agency for International Development Cooperation (RoAid), under the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to the support provided for the judicial system reform. The cooperation directions of the project concern the involvement of trainers, judges and prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova in professional development activities organized by the NIM, study visits to institutions within the Romanian judicial system, as well as the invitation as experts of NIM trainers to trainings for Moldovan magistrates.