Collaboration between NIJ and NSC: a new formula for collaboration in capitalizing on Romania's experience in court management and interaction with litigants

18. 02. 2022

At the end of this week, within the “Management of court activities” module intended for heads of secretariats, legal assistants, clerks and other court staff, the National Institute of Justice conducted online seminars “Managing the activity of the court. Strategic planning” and “Interaction with litigants. Deontological aspects”. 115 court staff registered to attend the respective courses.

For the first time, due to the Collaboration Agreement signed by the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova and the National School of Clerks (NSC) of Romania, among the invited trainers to deliver training on this segment was Corina Paula Băjenaru, Chief Clerk of the Court of Appeal Iasi, NSC trainer. She referred to Romania's experience in managing the court's activity, strategic planning, interaction with litigants and ethical aspects of the profession.

The training sessions were also facilitated by Petru Vârlan, Deputy Director of the Agency for Court Administration (ACA), Ilie Șaptefrați, Head of the Court Administration and Judicial Information Systems Directorate at ACA, and Ion Bocan, Legal Assistant at the Chisinau Court.

The goals of the two webinars included understanding and properly managing administrative management, developing skills for efficient operation of financial resources and strategic planning, awareness regarding the importance of quality assurance on court services and the impact on the perception of litigants and society, the media and litigants, etc.

The Collaboration Protocol between the NIJ and the NSC, signed in 2015, establishes a general framework for cooperation between the two institutions in order to increase training quality standards, improve the theoretical and practical training of clerks, and organize joint activities in order to contribute to the quality of the act of justice in both countries.