The evaluation team of the scientific journals from Index Copernicus International announces that the Journal of the National Institute of Justice (ISSN: 1857-2405) has successfully passed the multidimensional evaluation process and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List 2019.
Based on the verification of the information from the evaluation questionnaire and the analysis of problems for 2019, the experts from Index Copernicus established for the NIJ Journal the indicator Index Copernicus Value (ICV) 2019 = 80.42 - a very good appreciation of the quality of content and technical editing of the publication.
The resulting ICV score for 2019 is displayed in the ICI Journals Master List 2019, as well as in the Journal Passport. In 2018, the ICV of the NIJ Magazine was 77.07.
It should be noted that, from the beginning of 2020, the scientific articles in the journal are presented with Czu, DOI and customized ORCID issues of the authors.
NIJ Journal is a scientific publication declared with an Open Access, included in the national IBN database and in the international databases HeinOnline, Copernicus and DOAJ.