The trainees of the National Institute of Justice - Domnița Vizdoga, candidate to the position of judge, and Gheorghe Schiopu, candidate to the position of prosecutor, - benefited from the AIAKOS Program, addressed to the future and newly appointed judges and prosecutors in order to exchange experience and to get acquainted with the various European judicial systems.
At the program, which took place on November 18-22, 2019, in Sofia, Bulgaria, have participated trainees and graduates of the magistracy schools in Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Republic of Moldova and Slovenia. It included study visits, attendance to court hearings, presentations and discussions on European judicial cooperation and the judicial systems of the participating countries.
The AIAKOS program aims to create a pan-European judicial culture, enhancing the knowledge and skills of future judges and prosecutors on the European judicial systems by exchanging good practices, experiences and opinions. The AIAKOS program is part of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), a network in which the National Institute of Justice has observer status.
The study visit of the trainees of the National Institute of Justice was carried out thanks to the project funded by the European Union “Support to efficient prevention and fight against corruption in the justice sector”.