The reforms of the training process of the NIJ beneficiaries, as well as the development of institutional capacities during the last years within the UNDP project "Strengthening technical capacities of the national institutions for the human rights protection and promotion" were included on the agenda of the meeting of the NIJ Director, Diana Scobioala, with the representative of the main donor, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Theresia Kirkemann Boesen.
At the meeting, which took place on Friday, March 15, 2019, were highlighted the main actions under the UNDP project, funded by the Government of Denmark, whose strategic partner and key beneficiary was the National Institute of Justice.
In this context, the NIJ Director referred to the simulated trials as an innovative method of professional training, to the methodology of the creation of simulated trials, to the benefits of the e-admission system and the electronic testing of the participants to the admission contest. Also, Diana Scobioala talked about the improved infrastructure thanks to the project, increasing accessibility for people with disabilities and implementation of the quality management system.
During the visit, Diana Scobioala and Theresia Kirkemann Boesen made a tour to renovated rooms that were designed and repaired with the financial help of the Moldovan Government, the US Embassy in Moldova, within the UNDP project supported by the Government of Denmark.