The Journal of the National Institute of Justice
(scientific, practical, informational and legal edition)
Head Editor:
Ecaterina POPA,
Head of the Training and Research Department of the National Institutute of Justice
Editorial Board:
Sergey V. ARAKELYAN, PhD, Habilitation in Law, Rector of the Academy of Justice of Armenia
Cristina ROTARU-RADU, PhD in Law, ex-Director of the National Institute of Magistracy of Romania
Augustin FUEREA, PhD in Law, university professor, associate researcher at the Legal Research Institute ,,Acad. Andrei Radulescu” of Romanian Academy
Ruslan STEFANCIUC, PhD, Habilitation in Law, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy for Legal Science of Ukraine
Natalia SUKLINA, PhD in Law, professor, deputy Rector of the National School of Judges of Ukraine
Ivan PRISEAJNIUK, PhD in Law, ex-Rector of the National Academy of Prosecutors of Ukraine
Elchin KHALAFOV, PhD in Philosophy, Rector of the Academy of Justice of Azerbaijan
Mihai POALELUNGI, PhD, Habilitation in Law, associate professor, lawyer, interim professor ULIM
Oleg BALAN, PhD, Habilitation in Law, university professor, MSU
Violeta COJOCARU, PhD, Habilitation in Law, university professor, deputy Rector MSU
Gheorghe AVORNIC, PhD, Habilitation in Law, university professor, President of the USPEE Senate „Constantin Stere”
Raisa GRECU, PhD, Habilitation in Law, associate professor at USPEE „Constantin Stere”
Ion GUCEAC, PhD, Habilitation in Law, university professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Scient of Moldova
Ion COVALCIUC, cheif Prosecutor of the Balti Prosecutor's Office, PhD in Law, associate proffesor
Andrei NEGRU, PhD, Habilitation in Law, associate professor, MSU
Diana SARCU, PhD, Habilitation in Law, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights
Elena BELEI, PhD in Law, associate professor, Head of the Procedural Law Department of the Faculty of Law, MSU
Tatiana VIZDOAGA, PhD in Law, associate professor, MSU, trainer at the NIJ
Olga DORUL, PhD in Law, associate professor, MSU, „Lower Danube” University in Galati
Adriana ESANU, PhD in Law, associate professor, MSU, trainer at the NIJ
Responsible for editorial process
– Gheorghe BUDEANU