On February 9, 2018, the second seminar in the field of justice, entitled “International Court of Justice and Permanent Court of Arbitration”, took place within the premises of the Supreme Court of Justice. The seminar was held in English for over 30 young judges from the Republic of Moldova, members of the resource group of NIJ future trainers.
The event was also attended by representatives of the National Institute of Justice, of the Diaspora Relations Bureau, of the US Embassy and of the UN Agency for Migration (International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova).
Trainers of the training program were the experts of the Diaspora Excellence Group in the field of Justice: Olga Graur-Beks, analyst, International Criminal Court, Laurentiu Hadirca, superior legal advisor, OSCE, Victor Baiesu, Special Court for Lebanon and Diana Scobioala, doctor habilitatus, university docent.
The content of the seminar was focused mainly on the experience of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (CPA) in The Hague. In particular, three cases were discussed: the case Romania vs. Ukraine on the delimitation of the continental shelf of the Black Sea; the case Ukraine vs. Russian Federation on preventing and banning financing of terrorism and eliminating racial discrimination in the context of the current conflict in Ukraine and the case Yukos vs. Russian Federation, where the payment of 50 million dollars was disposed as compensation to Yukos shareholders for expropriated assets.
The training was organized in the frame of the Governmental program Diaspora Excellence Groups, part of the DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT HUB, which is implemented by Diaspora Relations Bureau and IOM Moldova within the “Enhancing the development of Moldova through engagement with diaspora-homeland partnerships” project, which is funded by the IOM Development Fund.
The first seminar for the resource group of young judges, focused on the International Criminal Court case-law, was organized in November 2017.