Ethics and deontology of magistrates from the perspective of French experts

20. 11. 2024

On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, judges, inspectors-judges and inspectors-prosecutors participated at the seminar "Ethics and deontology of magistrates". The training program was organized by the National Institute of Justice in partnership with the Embassy of the French Republic in the Republic of Moldova and USAID's JARA Project.

In the opening, the Head of the training and research Department of the NIJ, Ecaterina Popa, mentioned the importance of continuous and uniform training in the field of professional ethics and deontology, considering that, according to recent legislative changes, the range of beneficiaries of the Institute's training activities has expanded to include representatives of the Judicial Inspection and the Prosecutors' Inspection.

The experts Aline Clerot, prosecutor at the Saverne Judicial Court, trainer at the National School of Magistracy in France, and Simona Pavel, French liaison magistrate in Romania, Republic of Moldova and Bulgaria, together with NIJ trainers - Aliona Miron and Alexandru Postica, members of the Superior Council of Magistracy, and Mircea Rosioru, chief inspector of the Prosecutors' Inspection, facilitated a constructive dialogue on the current challenges of the professions of judge and prosecutor.

The training sessions focused on several objectives, including the knowledge and correct interpretation of international and national standards of judicial ethics and deontology, including freedom of expression; delimitation of specific aspects of communication of judges / prosecutors; ensuring a professional and balanced interaction of the judge/prosecutor with the public, society, media, respecting ethical limits, etc.

On the same day, the experts Aline Clerot and Simona Pavel held a public lecture for the trainees of the National Institute of Justice. The exchange of ideas and knowledge going beyond the formal framework of the training programs provided future judges and prosecutors with a broad perspective on the ethical and deontological dilemmas of the contemporary legal system.