The information action for pupils as part of the campaign to prevent human trafficking

22. 10. 2024

In the framework of the national campaign "The week of fight against trafficking in human beings", the Ad interim Director of the National Institute of Justice, Adrian Cerbu, and the NIJ trainer, Viorel Ciobanu, prosecutor in the Section for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings of the General Prosecutor's Office, participated in an information lesson for the pupils of the 8th - 10th grades of the "Orizont" Theoretical High School.

The educational session aimed to raise awareness among teenagers about the extent and seriousness phenomenon of human trafficking in contemporary society. During the activity, essential aspects of this scourge were addressed, as well as information on how to recognize risk situations and the measures to be taken when identifying potential cases of trafficking. Also, through examples and discussions, the vulnerabilities of victims and the strategies used by criminal networks to attract them were highlighted.

The national campaign "The week of fight against trafficking in human beings" marks the European Anti-Trafficking Day, which was set up on October 18, 2007, with the aim of raising awareness of the phenomenon.