The annual conference of actors in the field of justice, at the third edition

31. 05. 2024

The annual conference of actors in the field of justice under the generic „The legal professions in transformation: ethics, reputation and inter-professional communication”, held its work on Friday, May 31, 2024. The event was organized by ABA ROLI Moldova, in partnership with the National Institute of Justice, as a part of the Supporting Criminal Justice Reform and Strengthening Anticorruption Efforts Program in the Republic of Moldova, with funding support from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL).

The conference gathered members of the three professions — judges, prosecutors, and lawyers — and served as a platform for discussions in order to strengthen collaboration and promote a solid and fair professional environment for all.

The National Institute of Justice was represented by Ecaterina Popa, Head of the Training and Research Department, who, in her speech, reiterated the importance of legal training for strengthening inter-professional dialogue. Also were mentioned the fact that actions regarding the training of mixed groups are found in the Strategy of the Justice Sector and in the European Judicial Training Strategy, and the National Institute of Justice ensures this desideratum.

The annual conference of the actors in the field of justice was structured into four sessions that focused on topics related to the challenges of collaboration and interaction between legal professions, professional ethics and deontology dilemmas, defending the professional reputation of actors in the justice system, etc.

At the same time, were presented the conclusions and recommendations formulated as a result of 12 regional workshops organized for judges, prosecutors, and lawyers during November 2023 - March 2024, in seven localities in the Republic of Moldova.