Exploring new horizons: students from faculties of law visiting the NIJ

17. 05. 2024

Young people from the Law Students Association of the State University of Moldova and students of the Institute of Criminal Sciences and Applied Criminology visited, on the afternoon of Thursday, May 16, 2024, the National Institute of Justice.

In order to better understand the purpose and the role of the NIJ in the training of future judges and prosecutors, visitors interacted with the Ad interim Director of the NIJ, Adrian Cerbu, with the Head of the Initial Training Section, Iulia Gorbatenco, as well as with the graduates of the NIJ – Eleonora Badan-Melnic, judge at Central Court, Octavian Bivol, prosecutor in the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office, Doina-Cezara Galan and Catalin Lisii, candidates to the position of prosecutor.

In particular, future lawyers learned about the admission procedure and the complex initial training process with a focus on developing the practical skills essential for the profession of judge or prosecutor. Various aspects of process simulations and other practical activities that help prepare trainees for later careers have also been addressed.

Thus, gaining a detailed insight into how this important institution in our legal system works, young people have a clearer picture of the professional path they can follow after completing the initial training courses at the NIJ.

Towards the end of the visit, the students took a tour of the most representative study rooms of the National Institute of Justice: the computer room and the mock trial room.

The National Institute of Justice is the only judicial training institution in the country that trains future judges and prosecutors. The initial training lasts 18 months and the trainees have a monthly scholarship in the amount of an average salary in economy. From 20 May to 19 June 2024, the potential trainees of the NIJ can submit their online files in the NIJ Information System. For more details, go to https://www.inj.md/admiterea-inj.