


The Director is elected on a competition based. The candidate to the position of the Director may be an individual having university degree in the area of law, public administration or management, or their equivalent and 7 years of professional activity sufficient and compliant with the mission of the Institute.

The Director is appointed by the Council for a period of 5 years, without the possibility to have two consecutive mandates.

The Directors is revoked at expiration of his/her mandate, in case of his/her withdrawal or death. The Director may be revoked, based on the decision of the Council, upon the request of 1/3 of the members of the Council, in cases when the Director has committed a severe breach of legislation, or determination of the insufficiency of his/her qualification or systematic disciplinary breaches.   


a) represents the Institute in front of state authorities, individuals and legal entities, including abroad;
b) ensures organizational activity of the Council;
c) organizes implementation of the decisions of the Council;
d) appoints the trainers, following the approval by the Council of the results of the relevant competition;  
e) ensures the drafting of the Internal Order Regulation of the Institute and other documents necessary for its good functioning;
f) issues orders on admission, promotion and dismissal of the students of the initial training courses;
g) ensures drafting and implementation of the training plans;
h) organizes and implements the financial management and internal control systems, is liable, in his/her quality of manager, for the administration of the Institute’s budget and assets;
i) ensures drafting of the budget of the Institute with its further submission with the Council for approval; 
j) ensures drafting of the annual activity report of the Institute with its further submission with the Council for approval;
k) ensures drafting of the personnel chart of the Institute and its maximum number limits;
l) appoints and dismisses administrative personnel of the Institute;
m) enters into the cooperation agreements/memorandums and donor agreements, previously authorized by the Council, with the similar institutions abroad, manages international relations within the limits of his/her competence, to be further approved by the Council;
n) has other competences necessary for the good organization and carrying out of the activity of the Institute.